Executives and Professionals

Serious business. That’s what many of my clients are engaged in:

A closing argument in front of a jury.
A sales presentation for a new international product line.
Testimony before Congress.
The annual report to the Board of Directors.
A keynote speech for a global fundraising campaign delivered to 5,000 women.

Serious business, indeed.

Every presentation tells a story. And your audience is waiting to feel the power of that story.
They may not remember everything you say, but will the audience hear your call to action? Have you motivated and inspired them to make a decision, cast a vote, support a cause, purchase a product?
Or have you delivered a dry, factual, long-winded monologue that you think is appropriate to serious subject matter?

The Powerful Presenter offers the following Presentation Skills services for executives and professionals in the Atlanta area:
• Individual Coaching Sessions
• Group Coaching Sessions for teams

Both coaching sessions include 5 Presentation Skills:
Audience Engagement
Physical Communication
Verbal Communication

Individual Coaching is tailored to meet your specific needs and achieve your desired outcomes (as discussed in an initial phone or email interview). Scheduling and pricing are determined in the interview process. Clients are asked to prepare a representative presentation, which will be videotaped and used for playback and coaching.

The hands-on Group Coaching Sessions are customized and designed to provide participants with the skills to deliver clear, successful presentations. Groups can range in number from 4 to 10, and the coaching sessions can be a one-time event or multi-session workshops.

The 5 Presentation Skills:
• Audience Engagement
➢ Know your audience
➢ Understand their expectations
➢ Help solve their problems
➢ Deliver a “call to action”

• Physical Communication
➢ Develop confident body language
➢ Use effective movement and gestures
➢ Conquer stage fright

• Vocal Communication
➢ Strengthen breath support
➢ Increase variety of inflection, pitch, and pacing
➢ Improve articulation
➢ Reduce prominent accents

• Text
➢ Identify goals for the presentation
➢ Find the story within the text

• Visuals
➢ Create visual aids that support the speaker and the message