About Sharon

brewer_sharon_powerful-presenter-atlanta-speech-coachWe speak to change the way things are. Otherwise we’d never open our mouths. We hope to influence the reactions and actions of others by delivering a message, sharing a story. My passion is helping people find their authentic voice and share their story with confidence, clarity, and impact.

I was born into a long line of teachers and Methodist ministers (on both sides of my family!). The “family business” centered on service. Over the years the chosen forms of service within the family circle broadened. I recall telling my father, a minister who was concerned about my desire to pursue a career in professional theatre, that I was “called” as surely as he had been, and that was that. With my parents’ full support, I received a BA in Drama at Florida Southern College.

After receiving an MFA in Acting from the University of Virginia, my husband, Dave, and I returned to my native city of Atlanta to work with the Alliance Theatre. The Professional Actor Intern Program prepared me not only to act in Atlanta’s thriving theatre community, but also gave me the opportunity to teach acting. Teaching brought together the family tradition of service and my passion for acting.

An idea took root and grew: Use my skills as a professional actor and teacher to help business people become more effective communicators. I ventured into the business community, working with individuals and teams, and learning the communication challenges and needs of people in various industries.

Fast forward several years through a career as an instructor, actor, director, and arts administrator, and the opportunity to focus exclusively on coaching business people presented itself: The Powerful Presenter, LLC was born.

I realized that “stage fright” and “presentation anxiety” is the same thing, and that both respond to the techniques I use as an actor before a performance. Vocal fillers such as “Um” and unnecessary pauses are habits actors know how to change. Poor non-verbal messages and random gestures in a presentation or interview can be transformed with the same skills actors have used on stage for centuries.

Each day I blend my passions of teaching, acting, and service into my business. A dear friend helped me articulate why I do this work: “If I can help someone overcome their fears and discover their potential as a human being, no matter what arena they are in, that’s a good day for me.”

I want you to have confidence, enjoyment, respect, and influence.
It is my pleasure and privilege to help you.

Welcome to The Powerful Presenter!