The Powerful Presenter

Welcome to The Powerful Presenter!

I have always had a passion for speaking, performing in public, and storytelling. And now I bring that enthusiasm into my work by helping clients find their authentic presence and voice to tell a better story – the story of their business, of their life. A hallmark of my work is my ability to empathize with people and give specific direction in a positive manner. I bring together a background as a professional actor, director, and coach with a lifetime of hearing outstanding public speaking on a regular basis from the pulpit and the podium – my father was a prominent preacher and popular public speaker. At the beginning of my career, I struggled with a strong southern accent, poor body awareness, and a fear of being judged by others. And through that experience, I learned that in order to succeed I needed to get out of my own way! By focusing on “weaknesses,” I limited my potential. I am able to “read” people to better communicate with them, and that means my clients get personal attention and feedback. Folks who work with me enter a “safe” place where they learn and grow quickly, free from the fear of harsh judgments. With positive reinforcement and specific feedback and direction, each client becomes a powerful presenter who communicates with confidence, clarity, and impact. Whether your audience is one person or a stadium full, you can engage and influence your listeners! From my own experience, I know that it is possible to learn simple, effective techniques that improve your ability to connect with and influence others. Specific results my clients experience? Mastery of presentation anxiety Reduction of regional accents and lazy diction Development of physical confidence Use of effective movement and gestures Genuine enjoyment speaking in front of others As a result, my clients receive respect and gain influence in professional and personal arenas. American poet, essayist, and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson recognized the crux of powerful speaking: “Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.” It is within your capabilities to be just as effective. Call me and let’s talk! About Sharon Brewer Through her company The Powerful Presenter, Sharon Brewer transforms theatre expertise into applications business professionals can use to improve presentation skills and business communication. Her career of over thirty years as a professional in the communication business includes work as an actor on stage, on screen, in voice-overs, directing, teaching acting, and coaching presentation and communication skills. Sharon coaches people in the corporate, legal, financial, theological, sales, hospitality, sports, and non-profit arenas, offering individual and group training.   Sharon Brewer (404) 408-5571...

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