Master/Mistress of Ceremonies

The good ones make it look easy. As an audience, we know we’re in good hands.

A skilled Master or Mistress of Ceremonies is the ultimate “multi-tasker:”

They host events large and small, welcoming guests and members of civic, professional, and trade organizations.

They relate to the crowd and put the audience at ease with warmth and humor.

The numerous transitions within an agenda flow seamlessly.

Guest speakers are given gracious introduction, panelists are respected as experts, and tricky “Question and Answer” sessions are handled with diplomacy and authority.

Why do some people on the podium stand out?

They are confident. They enjoy their work. They know how to influence an audience. We trust and respect them.
The Powerful Presenter offers the following services to people on the podium:

    Presentation Skills Coaching
    Analysis of the event or meeting agenda
    Creation of opening and closing remarks
    Preparation of speaker and panelist introductions
    Development of “bridges” between event segments