Ministers and Worship Teams

Every Sunday, I listened to the best public speakers, the most effective presenters, the consummate story tellers: My father, my oldest brother, and the array of the world’s greatest guest preachers who graced the pulpits of the churches our family served.

I grew up in the church. Literally. To be specific, I am a PK, or preacher’s kid. To be very specific, I am a BK—a bishop’s kid. I come from a long line of Methodist ministers on both sides of the family. Believe me when I say I know the inner workings of a church!

My lifetime in the church as a Sunday School teacher, choir member, participant on domestic and international mission teams, drama ministry director, and serving in almost every leadership position gives me a keen understanding of the church. I know how a well delivered service can move and inspire a congregation… and I know that not all services fulfill that calling.

And my career of 30+ years in professional theatre as an actor, director, coach, and instructor gives me insights into the power of theatre to move and inspire people. And isn’t that what we want worship to do—move and inspire?

I am uniquely suited to work with clergy and worship teams—both professionals and laypeople—on delivering inspiring messages and creating powerful worship experiences.

Two callings shape my life and my work: My dedication to God and my passion for the theatre. The Powerful Presenter is the child of these two callings.

How I Can Help
The Powerful Presenter offers the following services to ministers, religious speakers, and worship teams:
• Individual Presentation Skills Coaching:
Preaching – content and delivery
Reading liturgy and Scripture
Officiating at the sacraments
Conducting children’s moments

• Worship Workshops:
Structure of order of worship
Staging and physical configuration of worship experiences
Integration of drama into worship