
“As a sports broadcaster and motivational speaker, I have found the Presentation Skills training to be very rewarding for my professional career. Sharon Brewer has helped to develop my confidence, tone, pitch, and diction which elevated my on camera personality. She pushed me to achieve things I did not know I was capable of. I have improved significantly which has allowed me to receive more job opportunities and has increased my earning potential.”

–Kelin Johnson, former NFL player


“I found Sharon Brewer very delightful and easy to work with. She provided me some necessary insight that not only I can use during future presentations, but also daily interpersonal interactions.”

–Jeff Teal, Plum Creek


“My experience of working with Sharon Brewer was truly helpful in improving my ability to communicate effectively. As a preacher, I learned so much from the world of acting.

Each week, I took home a new insight or tool that would help me in sermon preparation. I learned simple, but important tasks such as warming up your body and voice before making a presentation. I received helpful feedback about ways that I already communicate effectively and some distracting habits that I can improve. I could tell that my sermons and ability to connect improved immediately.

I would recommend every minister have training in these time-tested skills actors have used for centuries. More than anything, this training helped me discover and improve an authentic voice longing to connect with God’s people.”

–Reverend Will Zant


“Any clergy groups wishing to explore aspects of acting, voice, staging, blocking and being challenged, use Sharon. She understands the church, is a PK (preacher’s kid) and is so generous (yet challenging) that every moment we were with her was very fulfilling and educational. This training series was perhaps one of the most applicable ones I have experienced. She is that good.”

–Reverend David Carboni


“Classes with Sharon Brewer were among the most helpful experiences I have had in preaching. She understands and appreciates the art of preaching and she understands how the congregation interprets the message. Because of her understanding and expertise in communicating to an audience, she was able to identify barriers to communication and areas that helped me connect with my congregation. She was helpful with voice preparation as well as understanding the rising and falling action of worship and how the sermon plays a part in the drama of worship.

I was preaching with a reserve that kept me from interacting and “playing” more with the congregation and the text. I began to think more creatively about how to communicate with my congregation. One Sunday I asked for a spontaneous response from the congregation and walked into the congregation to hear what they had to say. When I continued the sermon, people were more attentive and involved in the sermon.”

–Reverend Tom Davis


“I’m not sure that most of our group knew what to expect heading into our sessions, but I’m very confident in saying that everyone in the group finished having their expectations thoroughly and completely exceeded. Each session provided us with an incredible amount of practical advice, tips, and insight from the world of theater that apply in the pulpit/church as well as the opportunity to step outside of our typical comfort zones and attempt some acting methods that we might not have ever tried otherwise.

To say that these sessions were useful would be an understatement. In fact, many of my recent conversations with other members of the group have focused on how much these classes continue to impact our ministries—especially in the pulpit—as we continue to try to apply what we’ve learned.

Sharon was also tremendously articulate in providing instruction, feedback, and insight. We could not have asked for a better instructor.

I’ve incorporated the vocal warm-ups into my weekly routine on Sunday mornings. They have been tremendously helpful.

Sharon allows for a safe place for students to learn, grow, be creative, and explore how acting and the world of theater can inform what we do as preachers.

I thought the entire series was tremendously applicable. It’s a series that I hope many more ministers utilize and get to experience. It was immensely helpful and I’m most grateful for the sessions that we had together.”

–Reverend Jeremy Lawson
